1-785-736-2810, 2590 Navajo Road, Axtell, KS, Sunday Worship at 10AM, Speak with Pastor at Church by appt.
1-785-736-2810, 2590 Navajo Road, Axtell, KS, Sunday Worship at 10AM, Speak with Pastor at Church by appt.
Marshall County Helping Hands, Inc. Food Pantry is an organization that has been functioning in Marysville for over 50 years by helping to feed the people of Marshall County. All donations and proceeds given to the pantry are used to provide this ministry. We are members of the National Harvesters organization and use their guidlines to direct our ministry. This ministry is possible through local volunteers and many churches in Marshall County. There are no paid positions in this ministry. Salem also contributes to the Nemaha County Food Pantry in Seneca, KS
In Kansas and Missouri, there are hungry people living in sparsely-populated rural counties, suburban communities and urban centers. Food insecurity means that a person or household may have food today but does not know if there will be food tomorrow or enough food for everyone in the household. Salem members volunteer to help in the food distribution when the Harvester's Truck is scheduled to arrive in Axtell.
Often, when natural disasters strike or when war drives families from their homes, our hearts ache with compassion, but we don’t know how to help. Making Lutheran World Relief Kits is a simple, fun and tangible way to offer comfort to those suffering and express love to our neighbors in need.
LWR Kits are specifically designed to help people coping with poverty, disaster, conflict and more. Whether a kit helps someone to maintain good hygiene, care well for a newborn baby, keep education going during a crisis or learn a new vocation, LWR Kits provide dignity and hope in the direst situations.
Salem Council established a community care fund to begin to be funded through 2021 and 2022 Lenten and Advent offerings. When individuals in the community contact Salem through Pastor Cindy for example for a sudden need for gas for the car for needed medical service or a portion of rental assistance, we work to meet that need.
June 25, 2021 ... What an amazing this week has been for the community of Axtell and surrounding areas. We had 60 youth who gathered at St. Michael’s school “To Journey to Mars and Beyond”. Father Jim Shaughnessy, Pastor Janelle Knowles, Pastor Cindy Cone all gathered to help our youth go on an amazing adventure. We thank all the volunteers who helped make this past week a huge success.
During our week we heard these themes: Faith! And heard the story of Daniel and the Lions Den – Boldness! Esther taught us how to be bold with our faith – Kindness! The Good Samaritan opened our eyes to how to live in faith with boldness – Thankfulness! How did 10 Men be healed and only 1 say thank you, we heard the story – and then Hope! On the Road to Emmaus the whole story of faith, boldness, kindness, thankfulness and hope comes together.
Sandy Bartkoski brought her dog from the KSDS society to help us understand how a service dog is useful to many people. She was given an offering of over $160 to help buy guide and service harnesses. God blessed us during this week and we had amazing snacks, did awesome crafts, sang and her the stories.
Salem Lutheran Church gathered winter items for The Mobile Family Resource Center Bus during the month of December, 2020. On December 17, Pastor Cindy Cone and Jayne Whitson met and the items were donated for the community use. The items included were: gloves 70 pairs, socks 30 pairs, hats 71, scarves 2.
Many of the items were home made by members of the congregation. Each item was given with love and hopes of keeping our youth warm. During this Christmas season, it is a blessing to share with others.
During August 2020, Salem is again collecting School supplies and offerings for same....for end of month distribution! We collected an estimated 1582 items of school supplies for distribution to area schools. You can support this ministry by going to the gifts and offerings page and making your Offering. God Bless you for that.
During August 2020, Salem is again collecting School supplies and offerings for same....for end of month distribution! We collected an estimated 1582 items of school supplies for distribution to area schools. You can support this ministry by going to the gifts and offerings page and making your Offering. God Bless you for that.
Salem partners with local school districts to provide school supplies to children in need. These school supplies were collected in the Fall of 2020 to send to Axtell, Seneca, Marysville & Frankfort elementary schools.
Nearly 30 singers from Axtell area (Salem Lutheran Church, United Methodist Church, St. Michaels Catholic Church), Summerfield, Seneca, Beattie, Baileyville, Frankfort, Vermillion, Centralia, Marysville, Randolph (and potentially other areas) are participating in 2019.
The approximately 90 minute program will feature 9 Christmas songs that blend with scripture and narration to share the story of Jesus' birth.
Join us for this Christmas tradition if you are in the area next year!
Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church members celebrated the Seder Meal at that recalled Christian History and roots.
2018 Christmas Cantata in the Axtell Community
The 54th annual Axtell Community Christmas Cantata, “Let The Whole World Sing” by Joel Rainey, was performed at 7:30 pm on Sunday, December 9th at Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church, Axtell, KS, and attended by 185. The first community Axtell area Cantata Choir was performed in 1964 at the A
2018 Christmas Cantata in the Axtell Community
The 54th annual Axtell Community Christmas Cantata, “Let The Whole World Sing” by Joel Rainey, was performed at 7:30 pm on Sunday, December 9th at Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church, Axtell, KS, and attended by 185. The first community Axtell area Cantata Choir was performed in 1964 at the Axtell United Methodist Church. Currently, the Cantata is sponsored by Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church, St. Michaels Catholic Church, and United Methodist Church, Axtell, and the annual performances rotate between these three churches.
This year, Stan Murphy, Seneca, KS was the Choir Director. He was accompanied by Owen Zinke, Seneca, KS and Dennis Droge, Vliets, KS was the Narrator. The 29-member choir was composed of vocalists who were members of Axtell area churches that included Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church, St. Michaels Catholic Church, United Methodist Church, and Mission Covenant Church and other area churches. Overall, Cantata Choir members come from 12 area Kansas towns that include Bern, Seneca, Axtell, Baileyville, Summerfield, Beattie, Marysville, Frankfort, Vliet’s, Vermillion, Centralia and Randolph to practice and perform.
For the performance, a Cantata Prelude was performed by Owen Zinke, Seneca. Then, during the Offertory midway through the Cantata, Tracy Schmitz, Baileyville, KS and Morgan Poole, Alta Vista, KS sang a medley of Christian and contemporary Christmas music.
The suggested offering for 2018 was hats, mittens and socks, to be distributed to Marshall County families/individuals, and we thankfully received a very generous offering. There were two plastic totes filled with hats, mittens in the Church narthex carried in by Cantata attendee’s. And, the $647.00 offering collected during the Cantata all went to purchase more of the same. Overall, there were 375 hats, pairs of mittens and pairs of socks to be given to Marshall county families/individuals.
Following the Cantata performance, the attending crowd enjoyed a reception in the Salem Fellowship Hall. We look forward to the 2019 rotation for choir member participation and community attendance at this year’s Christmas Cantata to be held at the Axtell United Methodist Church.
Pictured with the clothing items to be distributed are Pastor Cindy Cone of Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church, rural Axtell, and Shelley Crome, Family Advocate for the school district, who will coordinate the items distribution.
The Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church Endowment Fund gifts all of its annual interest to charities, missions, seminaries, other educational purposes, charitable institutions, and church property and maintenance. The specific purposes are chosen by the Endowment Board annually.
For 2019, Salem Lutheran Church Council elected to participate in the annual Highway 36 Garage Sales. The congregation was asked to bring their unneeded, unused items to be sold to Hiway 36 garage sale pickers. The entire proceeds will be donated to our Marshall County KS Habitat for Humanity Store for their nonprofit purposes.
Lutherans For Life (LFL) is so much more than an organization that produces facts and figures and keeps people informed on the latest life related news and political maneuverings. LFL is about speaking the truth of life—about Bringing Good News to Life. LFL applies the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the life issues, making Je
Lutherans For Life (LFL) is so much more than an organization that produces facts and figures and keeps people informed on the latest life related news and political maneuverings. LFL is about speaking the truth of life—about Bringing Good News to Life. LFL applies the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the life issues, making Jesus known as the Son of God and Savior of all who can help and make a difference in people’s lives.
Salem supports the Gideon's who preach the simple Gospel message and desire to see all sinners saved by believing the Gospel and teaching the word of God locally. We coordinate to have a Gideon's member speak annually to the congregation.
From a global standpoint, we are helping break the cycle of hunger and poverty in our own back yard.
Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church, Axtell, KS congregation members donated household items, clothing, tools, electronics and other items to be sold for freewill offering as part of the recent Highway 36 Treasure Hunt sales. All freewill offering proceeds of $515.36 collected on September 20th and 21st were given to Habitat For Humanity in Marysville KS in support of their mission to “Help families build and improve places we call home”. Salem Pastor Cindy Cone and member Larry Swanson delivered the freewill offering to Paula, Manager of the Marysville Habitat For Humanity.
Pastor Cindy Cone and Larry Swanson presenting a Salem donation to HFH Manager Paula Schroeder.
2019 Memorial Day weekend view looking from East to the West
On Monday, May 27th, 2019 at 9 AM, the Vermillion KS American Legion conducted a Memorial Service honoring the 78 military veterans who are buried in the Cemetery. Salem's Pastor Cindy Cone gave the Memorial Day message while Pastor Virgil Warren (Vermillion KS Christian Church) gave the closing prayer. Commander Kent Stowell is the Vermillion American Legion Post Commander.
The attendees see that their donations will go to the groups next Mission Trip.
That's what happens at the Ice Cream social ... eat ice cream and cake, talk and some are heard laughing out loud!
Records show that the Salem Youth Group (formerly Luther League) was organized in 1890. The Youth Group held its 1st summer fest serving ice cream and desserts in the Vermillion City Park in 1894 to earn money to contribute to the remodeling of the 1st Salem Church.
After worship on August 25, 2019, Pastor Cindy invited the congregation to come to the Altar to bless the school supplies before distribution...we'll do it again in 2020!
School Supplies brought to the Altar to be later distributed to Axtell, Frankfort, Seneca and Marysville, KS schools.
Pastor Cindy helped Pastor Janelle and Father Jim work with the VBS teachers using the theme of Fixer Upper.
Sally McMillen and Sharmon Polson work with the VBS kids with biblical craft designs.
Pastor Cindy helped Pastor Jim Aiken and Pastor Shannon Borgman using the Bible Theme of "Fixer Upper". The Bible school activities were held at the Frankfort's United Methodist Church from 7 thru 9 August 2019.
Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church, Axtell, KS, a Lutheran Congregation in Mission for Christ, installed its pastor, the Rev. Cynthia Cone, at a special worship service on Saturday, August 25th, 2018 at 2 p.m. Pastor Cindy comes to Salem Lutheran through our Church’s Pastoral Call after serving as Associate Pastor at Salem Lutheran Church in Fremont, NE. She earned her Master’s of Divinity degree from Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN and has been ordained 21 years. Pastor Cindy has been rostered with Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ since 2009. The presiding minister at the installation was Rev. Thomas Sahl, the District Pastor for Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ, the Heartland District, and resident Pastor for St. Paul Lutheran Church, Palmer, KS. She and her husband, Ron, have two adult children whose families live in Missouri and Texas. Pastor Cindy has a unique skill set and a diverse theological background that she brings to this ministry. She grew up in the Kansas City, MO area and is working in her second career as a Called Pastor. She has served Churches in Nebraska, Iowa, Arizona and now in Kansas. Church Family who love Jesus and want to act like a disciple in telling & sharing the story of Jesus in Marysville Church Family who love Jesus and want to act like a disciple in telling & sharing the story of Jesus in Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church in Axtell, Frankfort, Beattie, Home, Marysville, Seneca, Vermillion and points in between.
Copyright © 2019-The Future Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2590 Navajo Road, (rural) Axtell, Kansas 66403 - All Rights Reserved.
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